Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Monday a la maniere de G.S.

British grown daffodils. A blind woman staring at the sun is reading:

"το ποτάμι δεν κυλά έχει ξεχάσει τη θάλασσα
κι όμως υπάρχει η θάλσσα και ποιος θα την εξαντλήσει;
οι τυφλοί κοιμούνται"

the sea
forgotten the smell
the breeze
the feeling of cold water on the skin

a weak melancholic sun
and the smell of wet soil
blind people

nothing more
enough for today
another (Mon)day gone
the river flows
towards the sea.


Anonymous said...

so strange to look at daffodils at ur blog today. Just gave the last editing notes of "Black Keys". So empty and so full... cannot tell u how fool I can feel...

Andromeda said...

I don't look at daffodils either..I dream of them and spring.
I will definitely recognise the feeling that you experience now when I submit the thesis--after all, your 'Black Keys' and my 'Staging/Imagining' are our children..and we want them to fly away but we want to keep them close as well..Feel fool my friend-no harm can be done. I believe in you, always..