Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Υπάρχουν χρυσόψαρα εδώ;

Στον Παράδεισο έχω σημαδέψει ένα νησί
απαράλλαχτο εσύ και ένα σπίτι στη θάλασσα.
Με κρεβάτι μεγάλο και πόρτα μικρή
έχω ρίξει μες στ’ άπατα μιαν ηχώ
να κοιτάζομαι κάθε πρωί που ξυπνώ.
Nα σε βλέπω μισή να περνάς στο νερό
και μισή να σε κλαίω μες στον Παράδεισο.

(Ελύτης Το Μονόγραμμα)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday morning

Monday morning
echoes still softly playing in your ears
made-up stories still sleeping next to you
waiting for more life
let them sleep for now; don’t think twice

water the daffodils,
and look outside the window,
the sun is somewhere behind the clouds
‘spring is coming, I am telling you’
‘can you predict the future?’
listen to the birds
how I wish

put the kettle on,
coffee and milk,
put your papers in order, turn on the computer,
and choose between yellow, green, pink and orange,
wonder what the blue beast is
but leave it for the moment,
smoke the first cigarette,
check your diary and plan the week ahead
how I wish

water is boiling,
think what needs to be done;
‘careful, right moves and patience’,
‘just let go; it’s alright’
burn your hand- ready.

One more cup of coffee before the start.
Monday morning; smile if you can.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Another piece

almost like a jigsaw
the more you look at separate pieces,
struggling to make them fit
and connect
the more you get confused.
only when you abandon the jigsaw for a while,
and then look at the bigger picture from far away,
you might be surprised-
another piece reveals itself
actually missing
but could somehow fit in,
another piece
another step.
will it ever be finished though?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

people standing on the train
closed in their little bubbles
reading free newspapers
guarding their stuff
avoiding to look at each other
closing their eyes
I whisper
who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

I get back home
lock the door
turn on all the lights
the big bad wolf
the big bad wolf

keep the evil eye away
who’s afraid?
the dark
put some music
the big bad wolf
the big bad wolf
have a warm bath
talk on the phone
smoke a cigarette
and then another
make a drink
cranberry and oranges
who’s afraid?

read a fairy tale before sleeping
telling the same story again
warming up your feet
get your childhood’s teddy bear
squeeze it
until you can’t breathe
who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

close your eyes
no tears
who’s afraid?
bring the memory of a face
bring the image of the sea
drown in it
what you’ve become
where will you go
who’s afraid?
the big bad wolf?

who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?
who’s afraid of the big bad?
who’s the big bad wolf?
I am afraid of him

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

True Men Part II

Back in the day, I had promised to go on with this topic.
And here he is, tonight.: the one and only Ralph Fiennes.
In spite of what other people might say, after this film, every woman in the planet would love to call her 'Catherine' (said in his distinctive, slow way).

My most favourite, almost archetypal man!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


‘Why can’t it be like it was before?’

2046, a year that nothing happens, nothing changes. Like embarking on a train that never arrives at its final destination. Can you escape from there? Do you want to? And if you do, what story are you going to say to explain why you left at the first place?

In 2046 (2004), a beautiful, sensational and thought-provoking film by Kar Wai Wang, a writer is writing a novel, making up a story about a future moment when all memories can be captured and in a new context relived. Throughout his many encounters/fragments with different women in an old hotel in Hong Kong in the 1960s, he travels between past and future, illusion and reality, cigarettes, red lipsticks, mirrors and sliding doors and the number 2046. A film about love, loss, remembering and forgetting- a film about a future moment somewhere in the past. Definitely, a must-see.

Friday, January 19, 2007


‘ο έρωτας του κορμιού
ο έρωτας της ψυχής
πρόσεξε μην τ’ αναμίξεις’
[‘the love of the body
the love of the soul
careful; don’t blend them’]

your face on the window
on the train
travelling at night
no-not night
late in the evening
faster and faster

rehearsing words
‘have to be witty
have to be smart’
closer and closer

for the battle
under the hill
‘bring out your sword
I’ll count up to three’
‘I don’t want to fight you- walk with me’
the streets turn
like a labyrinth
a black shadow is following
but you cannot see her
where is the end of the line?

the library
smell of rotten paper
and old books
the first light of day
covered with flowers
drops of water
two little bottles
a dark blue
and a white
‘don’t blend them’
too late
the colour of the sword
was now light blue
(notes for a Saturday,
borrowing from G.S. always
and the faces of the Fayum, Egypt)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A thought a day

How many thoughts cross your mind everyday?
I dont know; never counted them.
One thing leads to another.
the 'association game'.
in the middle of a thought, something breaks.
something is lost.
another comes.
and the journey goes on..
But eventually, I don't care how many thoughts I have a day
as long as I have one.
But what is the colour of (my) thought?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Once more

a white piece of cloth
a red ribbon
a blue beast
an old hanger
two people
no sense of home
travelling ‘flying Dutchmen’

a smile in Latin characters
the face of a woman
popping a pink chewing-gum
the smell of oranges in November
and fires burning in the night

first material
for something
that travels on its own
despite me
like a cheek pea
that might never grow
but I will carry in my pocket

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Will the Greek remain..?

Ξύπνησα με το μαρμάρινο τούτο κεφάλι στα χέρια
που μου εξαντλεί τους αγκώνες και δεν ξέρω που να
τ’ ακουμπήσω
έπεφτε στο όνειρο καθώς έβγαινε από το όνειρο
έτσι ενώθηκε η ζωή μας και θα είναι πολύ δύσκολο

να ξαναχωρίσει.

Γιώργος Σεφέρης. Μυθιστόρημα

[I woke up with this marble head in my hands
and it exhausts me, I don’t know where to put it down
it was falling into a dream as it was coming out of the dream
so our lives became one and it will be very difficult to break.]

remembering of olive trees
and beautiful first lights of dawn
and summer sunsets in open air theatres
and the image of the city from the hill
nostalgia but unavoidable some times..

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Technology or Nervous Breakdown?

This might seem like a change of tone for this blog but I will allow myself to do it for once.

Today, I want to write about something that might seem small and trivial which, though, is extremely important for me and makes my life a lot easier. I am referring to ‘my precious’ laptop that for the last couple of days, it’s been going crazy, turning itself off for no obvious reason, and making my life difficult. This IT crisis is about to lead me to a nervous breakdown…
Because when you are stuck somewhere in the suburbs of London, without many things to do, and you want to survive these ‘rainy days’, at least what you need is a computer in order to stay in touch with the world. I do not want to list how many things I am doing through my computer, because I know that I am not the only one who lives and works in this way. But just because, I am not the only one in the flat who suffers an IT crisis, I wonder whether the technology breakdown is a sign.
Perhaps, I should stop living that much through the laptop and start spending more time in the real world. Perhaps, I should understand whether I have a software or hardware problem and get it fixed..

Friday, January 05, 2007


the moment before
stands still
in the stillness
a million potential of movement enclosed

the moment before
about to make a decision
which direction to take
which line to draw

halas! the direction already there

the moment before
any decision
any choice

‘regarde! the Foucault’s pendulum’
embrace the delicate and harmonious
perpetual movement
beauty, for
stillness and movement become one

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Quo vadis?

insatiable and never-ending

take the wrong turn
'do not hurry the journey at all'
and ask: what's next?
and 'pray that the road is long'
and nobody gives me a map

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


and wonder who you are but accept you anyway
and tell you about the tree angel enchanted forest boy
who flew across the ocean because he loved you

and tell you the truth when I really don't want to
and try to be honest because I know you prefer it
and I think it's all over
but hang on in for just ten more minutes
before you throw me out of your life and forget who I am
because it's beautiful learning to know you
and well worth the effort

New Year's resolution: Find your reflection in other people's eyes...
(borrowing words from Sarah Kane's Crave, painting by Paul Cezanne)