Sunday, November 19, 2006

Flying Balloons
smell of lemon trees--springtime.
sleeping under Christmas tree.
black dress--a rose.
throwing paper plates.
September night.
first cigarette.
sitting on the steps waiting.
no-not that one.

fast forward.
flavour of caramel ice cream.
tastes like summer.
'-leave the window open'.
'-but it's January!'
once more.

change the music.
break the rhythm.
this is it.
green and white balloons.
flying in the sky.
laughing and crying.
and then you said:
'in crossroads, the wind is always strong.
be careful, you might lose your way...'

Some moments are unforgettable- simply and inevitably.
The more I grow up, though, the more I realise how grateful I am to those who stay all the way, and don't become vague memories that are played in abstract time and space.
This is for my most beautiful and closest friends,
my 'flying balloons' that never leave me alone, no matter how strong the wind is..


Mia Wallace said...

Can I be a purple balloon??

Anonymous said...

SOME say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice Is also great
And would suffice." R. Frost

margo said...

what a splendid blog! an amalgam that galvanizes :) i'll be around

Andromeda said...

@mia wallace: You know how much I love purple-and you know how much I love, of course you are my purple balloon :)

@margo: Welcome! Thank you for your good seems that you got the gist of the blog and me ;)

Andromeda said...

@flamingo: Marvellous comment, thank you.(απίστευτος ο βαθμός της ενδοεπικοινωνίας)
I think, though, that the world will perish when there will be neither fire nor ice. When no extreme feelings are born, when everything seems blant and wasted- only if human contact vanishes, only then the world won't have a reason to exist..
(still, you know, I am all about fire ;))

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