Saturday, October 28, 2006

I want to live in paradise

Antarctica: The coldest place on earth, where the winter lasts for nine months.

No inhabitants, only these penguins (or, in French, 'manchots') who not only survive but give birth before the winter begins,the male (!) protect the eggs throughout the winter, while the female return to the ocean to bring food (or, alternatively, have a blast, despite some dangerous fish being around!) And then, they go back, the little ones are already born, waiting for them, and the male leave to find food...and so,this weird story goes. This story is that of 'le manchot empereur' and last night I found out about it, watching the brilliant documentary La marche de l'empereur (2005) by Luc Jacquet. A story of devotion, beauty, unbelievable abilities to survive in the cold and recognise their loved ones through voice. Above all,this is a story about constantly walking, marching in groups- the solitary won't be able to survive. Since les manchots cannot fly, they have to walk constantly- still, they can dive under the water, and the moment when they come out, it's so much like flying or trying to fly and failing.

And I wonder: what do we,humans, can learn from these animals living in the coldest but so beautiful place in the planet? The only thing I know today is that I am jealous of them, because apparently they are able to keep their inside always warm, even if outside they have the temperature of a freezing animal, whereas I found myself freezing at some point while watching the film, and stayed with this cold feeling until I went to bed. And I wonder: is really Antarctica the coldest place on earth?


Anonymous said...

beware! they will wipe out humankind and rule the world.

Andromeda said...

I'd rather be wiped out by them than by two-legged, stupid and arrogant human beings. Let them rule, really :)!

Fotini Kalle said...

apo tin pantotini fotini

not a leaf was burnt up
not a twig ever snapped...
clean as glass is the day,
but there has to be more

gia tous anikanopoiitous