Sunday, November 25, 2007

you see, these days, the more I think about people, the more I decide that they are like need to have patience and peel them and even if they make you cry, go on, peeling them to find their essence--there is always an essence no? otherwise, they just hide under layers and layers and there is nothing to be found...
no, people these days remind me of onions..the white ones that take the smell of painting away and they can make you cry even if you sit in the upper circle of the theatre..


margo said...

tell the onion that it smells really bad!
margo is against all that makes andromeda sad!

Andromeda said...

i love the poetry margocim--it rimes (sad/bad). but i am not sad,dont worry. hope you have a terrific time where you're going and see you soon..xx

Anonymous said...

when are you coming here zapufya?