Saturday, April 28, 2007


The perfect recipe: take a train to London, have a coffee and enjoy the feeling of a relationship that has grown so much in the last four years and be assured that this person will stay in your life.
then skip the ‘serious’ performance you were supposed to go, take the tube, let a great friend lead you somewhere you’ve never been before, find a river in the middle of nowhere- sit on a fish bench and be jealous of the man in the construction site who learnt so much about you in half an hour..
then mingle with people outside a pub, then choose another beautiful bar, have some tasty margaritas (we are going back to tequilas after all these years-still tastes great after all), laughing, and remember some of your good, old witchcraft-just a lovely day.
Result? a new motto: what’s next? (a job? a new home? a new country? a new friend?? who knows…anything, anyone, anywhere.)
Life is beautiful- not necessarily because it is, but because it happens every moment.
‘that night the blue radiance covered the city, and for the first time he fell asleep’


margo said...

there is something called the feeling of neeext. i know now.

Andromeda said...

and there is more to come ;) we'll find out in the days/weeks/months to come

Schoolgirl said...

I do not meen to publish unrealated comments on your page, but I really need your and all bloggers help.We are two Norwegian students from the Norwegian School of Management, BI ( are writing master thesis about blogging. We ask you kindly to help us fill out a survey that only takes two minutes to complete.It is about social network blogs like,, etc:

This survey is for research purposes only, and your answer is very important to the accuracy of our research. We are not selling anything, and your personal information is secured and your answers will be grouped anonymously. Click the link bellow to begin the survey.

We really appreciate your time and thank you for helping us developing this theory of blogging!

Annicken Hejna and Veronica Isaksen
Graduate students

If you have more time we have a similar questionnaire about news blogs: