'the figure is a constellation..What else is in this universe, this drawing? Other stars, far away. I hunt through my tools and find a needle. I begin to prick the paper full of tiny holes, and each pin prick becomes a sun in some other set of worlds. And when i have a galaxy full of stars I prick out this figure, which now becomes a constellation in earnest, a network of tiny lights..'
In a moment of absolute silence, reading this passage, I remembered-as if had a moment of clarity not through myself but through the voice of another and everything that appeared absurd and happening for no reason at all, for the past year, at that moment of perfect silence, seemed to have had a reason. And for this tiny moment, everything became transparent and every pain, every joy, every fear and anger that I have carried around in my universe since that Friday afternoon a year ago, vanished--
and left only me, with my here and now, this tiny portion of this all-encompassing universe. And I guess, this is a turn of the page..