Saturday, August 30, 2008

yet again... (for the year in Dublin)

places are safer when you see them on a map
when you just arrive and you cannot feel
the distinctive smell
the peculiarity of the city
cannot really tell what's special about the accents
and north and south divisions seem irrelevant to you...
places are safer when you see them from a plane
or arrive at 8am, late June
and you stand by a bridge thinking
'oh what a strange deja-vu; i have lived here before'
but then perhaps you haven' are just about to
places are safer when you just bring in your baggage
your memories, your longing of a different place
and when your everyday walk is a bit of a surprise
looking for a flat, looking for a job, looking for a friend
places are safer when you don't understand the local jokes
or the references to names that you can't even pronounce
when you stay in the safe twilight zone of the outsider who
does not really want to learn about the inside--
but pretends that she does
and you walk by houses without knowing or caring about whose house they were
or pass by statues and read the information but they remain as irrelevant to you as before
places are safer when they just have a name
and numbers of people that are irrelevant to you and your world..
places become dangerous when a little cafe has become your favourite niche
and a number of buses take you to your everyday journey
and the face of the guards are getting more and more familiar
just because you walk past them everyday
and the concrete built building becomes familiar
even at 9pm on january nights
when you leave it and the lights are off
and it's cold, you shake in your coat
places become dangerous when they are filled in
by sounds and stories and memories
and corridors and rooms and pubs and drinks and flats
and names of people
first names
then faces
then bodies
then beings
then presences
yes, a place becomes dangerous when it's full with presences
here now, not from the world of before..
and soon, just as the safety net,
just at a glimpse of the second
it takes you to close and open your eyes again
the presences have become absences again
and your suitcase is full with cards and gifts to remember
and the place is gone
just like a dream, it's gone and vanished
and you cannot see its face...
you see it from above again
like before but
you cannot go back to the moment that it was just a name
and not a year of your life
and you wish you could go to that moment
when the place was a name
when the place was safe
when the place had not taken part in your story---
but yet again/you don't

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