so, it's been a while...have not written a word here, does this mean that I live life in an 'alive' and not that 'virtual' way? well, I am not sure--I blame the 'liminal' transitional stages in life.
I don't want to write about fears, fires and elections - ήταν τέτοια η μαυρίλα αυτού του καλοκαιριού, μακάρι να μπορούσα να ξεχάσω- ο Σαββόπουλος λέει για τα κόκκινα της δύσης που ανατέλει..δυστυχώς φέτος ήταν για τα κόκκινα της φλόγας που έγινε μαύρη και φρίκη. όσο για τις εκλογές, δεν έχουμε ελπίδα καμιά-νομίζω..μονάχα σιωπή έχω.
In the meantime, I moved to Dublin-the new life that I have 'ordered', now is becoming feels good most of the times-good and scary as always. new faces, new places, new words and names--September like the Septembers of my childhood, when I returned to school,craving for more and at the same time wanting to hide under the desk..
the more I grow up, the more I realise how time is circular-even in a moment that appears entirely new, you will find out something that you may have encountered before. it's like falling in love with the same person over and over again, or making the same mistake over and over again. it feels f***ing amazing because within the newness, one can recognise what they thought they lost forever.
κάθε τέλος κρύβει μια αρχή-και κάθε αρχή πάντα έχει τους σπόρους του τέλους της μαζί..
Καλή αρχή-καλή χρονιά...